Please check back again soon.'; public $sitename = 'Bhutan Cordyceps Sinensis'; public $editor = 'tinymce'; public $list_limit = '20'; public $access = '1'; public $debug = '0'; public $debug_lang = '0'; public $dbtype = 'mysqli'; public $host = 'localhost'; public $user = 'b5d2wht7_c5ks1b7'; public $password = '@;B0VhF@gX]%'; public $db = 'b5d2wht7_j7wk46'; public $dbprefix = 'dz57u_'; public $live_site = ''; public $secret = 'Ncy0CmkvKVCVMsBT'; public $gzip = '0'; public $error_reporting = 'default'; public $helpurl = '{keyref}'; public $ftp_host = ''; public $ftp_port = '21'; public $ftp_user = 'admin'; public $ftp_pass = '030205'; public $ftp_root = ''; public $ftp_enable = '0'; public $offset = 'UTC'; public $offset_user = 'UTC'; public $mailer = 'mail'; public $mailfrom = ''; public $fromname = 'Nimesh'; public $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; public $smtpauth = '0'; public $smtpuser = ''; public $smtppass = ''; public $smtphost = 'localhost'; public $smtpsecure = 'none'; public $smtpport = '25'; public $caching = '0'; public $cache_handler = 'file'; public $cachetime = '15'; public $MetaDesc = 'Cordyceps Sinensis is a unique and exotic mushroom that grows in the mountains of Bhutan at an elevation between 14,500 feet and 17,000 feet, just meters below the snow line. Cordyceps Sinensis has a long history in Tibet Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The mushroom has been used for centuries to address and treat various health conditions and to maintain normal functions of all the body systems.'; public $MetaKeys = 'cordyceps sinensis,bhutan cordyceps,cordyceps,mushroom,fungus bhutan,expensive mushroom,bhutan sinensis,chinese medicine '; public $MetaAuthor = '1'; public $sef = '1'; public $sef_rewrite = '0'; public $sef_suffix = '0'; public $unicodeslugs = '0'; public $feed_limit = '10'; public $log_path = '/logs'; public $tmp_path = '/tmp'; public $lifetime = '15'; public $session_handler = 'database'; public $MetaRights = 'Copyright © 2014 Bhutan Cordyceps Sinensis. All Rights Reserved.'; public $sitename_pagetitles = '0'; public $force_ssl = '0'; public $feed_email = 'author'; public $cookie_domain = ''; public $cookie_path = ''; public $legacy = '0'; public $xmlrpc_server = '1'; public $debug_db = '0'; public $MetaTitle = '1'; public $robots = ''; public $MetaVersion = '0'; public $display_offline_message = '1'; public $offline_image = ''; public $captcha = '0'; }